3.1. Fundamental SOA
Because the term "service-oriented" has
existed for some time, it has been used in different contexts and for different
purposes. One constant through its existence has been that it represents a
distinct approach for separating concerns. What this means is that logic required
to solve a large problem can be better constructed , carried out, and
managed if it is decomposed into a collection of smaller, related pieces.
Each of these pieces addresses a concern or a specific part of the problem.
This approach transcends technology and automation
solutions. It is an established and generic theory that can be used to address
a variety of problems. What distinguishes the service-oriented approach to
separating concerns is the manner in which it achieves separation.
3.1.1. A service-oriented analogy
Let's take your average cosmopolitan city. It is already
full of service-oriented businesses. Individual companies are service-oriented
in that each provides a distinct service that can be used by multiple
consumers. Collectively, these businesses comprise a business community. It
makes sense for a business community not to be served by a single
business outlet providing all services. By decomposing the community
into specialized, individual outlets, we achieve an environment in which these
outlets can be distributed.
When coupled with "architecture,"
service-orientation takes on a technical connotation. "Service-oriented
architecture" is a term that represents a model in which automation logic
is decomposed into smaller, distinct units of logic. Collectively, these units
comprise a larger piece of business automation logic. Individually, these units
can be distributed.
Distributing automation logic into separate units is nothing
new. What is it then that makesservice-oriented separation so different?
Much of this book is dedicated to answering that question. However, let's take
a preliminary look at some notable distinctions.
Even in a distributed business community, if we impose
overbearing dependencies, we could inhibit the potential of individual
businesses. Although we want to allow outlets to interact and leverage each
other's services, we want to avoid a model in which outlets form tight
connections that result in constrictive inter-dependencies. By empowering
businesses to self- govern their individual services, we allow them
to evolve and grow relatively independent from each other.
Though we encourage independence within our
business outlets, we must still ensure that they agree to adhere to
certain baseline conventionsfor example, a common currency for the exchange of
goods and services, a building code that requires signage to conform to certain
parameters or perhaps a requirement that all employees speak the same
language as the native consumers. These conventions standardize key aspects of
each business for the benefit of the consumers without significantly imposing on
the individual business's ability to exercise self-governance.
Similarly, service-oriented architecture (SOA)
encourages individual units of logic to exist autonomously yet not isolated
from each other. Units of logic are still required to conform to a set of
principles that allow them to evolve independently, while still maintaining a
sufficient amount of commonality and standardization. Within SOA,
these units of logic are known as services .
3.1.2. How services encapsulate logic
To retain their independence, services encapsulate logic
within a distinct context. This context can be specific to a business task, a
business entity, or some other logical grouping.
The concern addressed by a service can be small or large.
Therefore, the size and scope of the logic represented by the service
can vary. Further, service logic can encompass the logic provided by
other services. In this case, one or more services are composed into
a collective.
For example, business automation solutions are typically an
implementation of a business process. This process is comprised of logic that
dictates the actions performed by the solution. The logic is decomposed into a
series of steps that execute in predefined sequences according to business
rules and runtime conditions.
As shown in Figure 3.1, when building an automation solution
consisting of services, each service can encapsulate a task performed by an
individual step or a sub-process comprised of a set of steps. A service can
even encapsulate the entire process logic. In the latter two cases, the larger
scope represented by the services may encompass the logic encapsulated by other
Figure 3.1. Services can encapsulate varying amounts of
For services to use the logic they encapsulate they can
participate in the execution ofbusiness activities. To do so, they must form
distinct relationships with those that want to use them.
3.1.3. How services relate
Within SOA, services can be used by other services or other
programs. Regardless, the relationship between services is based on an
understanding that for services to interact, they must be aware of each other.
This awareness is achieved through the use of service descriptions .
A service description in its most basic format establishes
the name of the service and the data expected and returned by the
service. The manner in which services use service descriptions results in
a relationship classified as loosely coupled . For example,
Figure 3.2 illustrates that service A is aware of service B because service A
is in possession of service B's service description.
Figure 3.2. Because it has access to service B's service
description, service A has all of the information it needs to communicate with
service B.
For services to interact and accomplish something
meaningful, they must exchange information. A communications framework capable
of preserving their loosely coupled relationship is therefore
required. One such framework is messaging .
3.1.4. How services communicate
After a service sends a message on its way, it loses control
of what happens to the message thereafter. That is why we require messages to
exist as "independent units of communication." This means that
messages, like services, should be autonomous. To that effect, messages can be
outfitted with enough intelligence to self-govern their parts of the
processing logic (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3. A message existing as an independent unit of
Services that provide service descriptions and communicate
via messages form a basic architecture. So far, this architecture appears
similar to past distributed architectures that support messaging and a
separation of interface from processing logic. What distinguishes ours is how
its three core components (services, descriptions, and messages)
are designed. This is where service-orientation comes in.
3.1.5. How services are designed
Much like object-orientation, service-orientation has become
a distinct design approach which introduces commonly accepted principles that
govern the positioning and design of our architectural components (Figure 3.4).
Figure 3.4. Service-orientation principles address design
The application of service-orientation principles to
processing logic results in standardized service-oriented processing logic.
When a solution is comprised of units of service-oriented processing logic, it
becomes what we refer to as a service-oriented solution .
The individual principles of service-orientation are fully
explained later in this book. For the purpose of providing a preliminary
introduction, let's highlight some of the key aspects of these principles here:
- Loose coupling Services maintain a relationship that minimizes dependencies and only requires that they retain an awareness of each other.
- Service contract Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or more service descriptions and related documents.
- Autonomy Services have control over the logic they encapsulate.
- Abstraction Beyond what is described in the service contract, services hide logic from the outside world.
- Reusability Logic is divided into services with the intention of promoting reuse.
- Composability Collections of services can be coordinated and assembled to form composite services.
- Statelessness Services minimize retaining information specific to an activity.
- Discoverability Services are designed to be outwardly descriptive so that they can be found and assessed via available discovery mechanisms.
With a knowledge of the components that comprise our basic
architecture and a set of design principles we can use to shape and standardize
these components, all that is missing is an implementation platform that will
allow us to pull these pieces together to build service-oriented automation
solutions. The Web services technology set offers us such a platform.
3.1.6. How services are built
As we mentioned earlier, the term
"service-oriented" and various abstract SOA models existed before the
arrival of Web services. However, no one technology advancement has been so
suitable and successful in manifesting SOA than Web services.
All major vendor platforms currently support the creation of
service-oriented solutions, and most do so with the understanding that the SOA
support provided is based on the use of Web services. Therefore, while we fully acknowledge that
achieving SOA does not require Web services, this book's focus is on how SOA
can and should be realized through the use of the Web services technology
3.1.7. Primitive SOA
The past few sections have described the individual ingredients for
what we call primitive SOA . It is labeled as such because it
represents a baseline technology architecture that is supported by current
major vendor platforms.
All forms of SOA we explore from here on are based on and
extend this primitive model. Some of the extensions we discuss are attainable
today through the application of advanced design techniques, while others rely
on the availability of pre-defined Web services specifications and
corresponding vendor support.
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