Monday 11 November 2013

CS2401 - Computer Graphics - Previous Year Question Paper [CSE & IT]

Question Paper Code : 55308
B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination, NOV/DEC 2011

Seventh Semester
Computer Science Engineering
CS2401- Computer Graphics
REG 2008


1. write down any two line attributes.
2. Differentiate Window and Viewport.
3. What are Splice Curves?
4. Define quadric Surfaces.
5. What is animation.
6. Define Keyframes.
7. What do you mean by shading of objects?
8. What is texture?
9. Define fractals?
10. Differentiate MadleBrot and Julia Set.


11 a) Write down and explain the midpoint circle drawing algorithm. (10 cm as radious & co-ordinate origna as center).

11 b) Explain in details the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorith with an example.

12 a) Differentiate Parallel and prespective projections and derive their projection matrices.

12 b) With suitable examples, explain all 3d transformation.

13 a) Write notes on RGB and HSV Color model.

13 b) Discuss the following:
         i) Method to draw 3D object.
         ii) Basic OPENGL operation.

14 a) Explain the following.
         i) Adding texture to faces.
         ii) Adding shadows of objects.

14 b) Write down and explain the details to build a camera in program.

15 a) Write notes on Peano Curves.

15 b) Write about random factals in details.

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