Monday, 18 November 2013

Contemporary SOA is an achievable ideal

Contemporary SOA is an achievable ideal

A standardized enterprise-wide adoption of SOA is a state to which many organizations would like to fast-forward. The reality is that the process of transitioning to this state demands an enormous amount of effort, discipline, and, depending on the size of the organization, a good amount of time. Every technical environment will undergo changes during such a migration, and various parts of SOA will be phased in at different stages and to varying extents. This will likely result in countless hybrid architectures, consisting mostly of distributed environments that are part legacy and part service-oriented.

Further supporting this prediction is the evolving state of the technology set that is emerging to realize enterprise-level SOAs. As companies adopt SOA during this evolution, many will need to retrofit their environments (and their standards) to accommodate changes and innovations as SOA-related specifications, standards, and products continue to mature.

However, the majority of the contemporary SOA characteristics we just covered are attainable today. This book provides a series of tutorials and step-by-step process descriptions that explain how to manifest them.

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