Wednesday 14 August 2013

Visual Basic .NET 2003 with Ken Getz, Andy Baron, and Mary Chipman

Visual Basic .NET 2003

with Ken Getz, Andy Baron, and Mary Chipman

Course Description: In the first part of this course you will learn how to use Visual Studio .NET and Visual Basic .NET to build applications to run on the .NET platform. You will become familiar with the new Visual Basic .NET programming syntax including new object-oriented enhancements like inheritance. This course teaches you how to create Windows Forms and trap Windows Forms Events. You will learn how to access data using the new objects in ADO.NET including the DataReader, DataAdapter, and DataSet. Learn to build solid applications using the new Try/Catch block and Exception Object for efficient error trapping and Event logging and Breakpoints for effective debugging. Tap into the Internet by building Web-based application and XML Web Services including understanding the SOAP toolkit, UDDI, and how to build Web Services consumers. Learn how to leverage the security features in the .NET framework and build powerful reports using Crystal Reports.

26+ hours of media runtime 

  • Create New Project
  • Workspace Layout
  • Solution Explorer
  • Properties Window
  • Size Properties / Handles
  • Run / Compile
  • Form Properties
Form Controls
  • Size / Position
  • Multiple Controls
  • Format Toolbar
Behind the Scenes
  • Regions
  • Form Classes
  • Dispose Method
  • Variables
  • Attributes
  • Comments
  • Set Properties
Event Handling Code
  • Create Handles
  • Add Event Code
  • Event Handlers
Form Menu
  • Menu Properties
  • Add Menu Code
  • Change Controls
  • Modify Form Behavior
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
Form Components
  • Tool Tips
  • Use Tool Tips
  • Timer
  • Form Opacity
  • Closing Event
Create Console Application
  • vbc.exe
  • Create with Notepad
  • Use vbc.exe
Visual Studio .NET
  • View
  • Solution Properties
  • Implicit vs. Explicit
  • Modules / Classes
Variable & Data Types
  • Outside of Procedures
  • Static Variables
  • Block Variables
  • .NET Data Types
  • Convert Data Types
  • View Variable Properties
  • Use CType Conversion
  • AndAlso / OrElse
  • Use Operators
Working with Code
  • Declare Function
  • Sub Procedure
  • Parameters
  • For Loop
  • Do Loop
  • If Statements
  • Select Case
Enumeration & Structures
  • Constants w/ Enumeration
  • Structures
  • Enumeration w/ Structure
VB.NET Event Handling
  • Event Handler
  • Multiple Controls
  • Multiple Handlers
  • AddHandler
Form And Control Events
  • Form Events
  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events
  • KeyUp / KeyDown
  • Disable Keys
  • Control Events
  • Validate Events
Classes & Objects
  • CLR Types
  • Object Creation
  • Advantages
Class Library
  • Properties
  • View Library Object
  • Set Reference
  • Imports Statement
  • Call Constructor
  • Naming Conventions
  • Overload
  • Fields vs. Properties
  • Public Properties
  • Use Private Field
  • Advantages
  • Validate
  • Calculated
  • Create Method
  • Call Method
  • Create Events
  • Raise Event
  • Declare Var w/Events
  • Handle Events
  • Dispose
Tab Controls / Context Menu
  • TabAlignment
  • TabAppearance
  • Context Menu
  • Context Menu Code
  • TabPages Order
Range Selection Controls
  • TrackBar Properties
  • Shortcut Keys
  • NumericUpDown
  • DomainUpDown
  • Properties
Range Selection Code
  • Scroll Event
  • ValueChanged Event
  • Context Menus
  • RadioCheck Procedure
  • Change Properties
  • Using Enum.Parse
Option Controls
  • CheckBox
  • ControlBox Options
  • TopMost
  • CheckBox Location
  • Labels / Images
  • RadioButton
  • WindowState Property
LinkLabel / List Controls
  • LinkLabel Procedure
  • ListBox
  • ComboBox
  • Fill ListBox
  • Cast ListBox Items
  • Anchoring
  • Add Controls Dynamically
Anchoring / CheckedListBox
  • AutoScroll
  • ListBox Options
  • Select Event
  • Toggling Visibility
  • CheckedListBox
  • CheckOnClick Property
Docking / Splitter Controls
  • Splitter Control
  • Build Split Object
  • TextBox
  • Set Border Style
Dialog Control / Tab Order
  • Create Icon Object
  • Create Color / Font Object
  • Tab Order
String Class
  • String Constructors
  • Static / Shared Method
  • Compareordinal
  • Concat / Format / Join
Manipulating Strings
  • String-returning Methods
  • StringBuilder Class
  • ToString Method
Dates and Times
  • DateTime Constructors
  • Shared Methods
  • DateTime Properties
  • Conversion Methods
  • Calculation Methods
  • DateTime Methods
  • Using DateTime Type
TimeSpan Type
  • Create TimeSpan Values
  • TimeSpan Properties
  • Create a TimeSpan
  • TimeSpan Fields / Methods
  • Parse TimeSpan
Exception Handling
  • No Error Handling
  • Simple Try / Catch Block
  • Unhandled Error
  • Exception Object
Catching Specific Exceptions
  • Multiple Exceptions
  • Exception Order
  • Exception Hierarchy
Throw / Finally
  • Exception Handling Options
  • Passing Error Information
  • InnerException
  • Run Code Unconditionally
  • Use Finally Block
Debugging Environment
  • Configuration Properties
  • Debug Setup / Use
  • Debug Window
  • Watch Expressions
  • Conditional Breakpoint
  • Multiple Languages
  • Debug Stored Procedure
Logging / Tracing
  • Create Event Log
  • Write to / View Log
  • Tracing Application
  • Trace Switch / Listeners
  • Write Trace Listeners
  • Modify Configuration
Understanding Inheritance
  • Inheritance Class
  • Overriding
  • Virtual
  • Shadowing
  • Protected
Implementing Inheritance
  • Setting Class / Properties
  • Override Methods
  • Create Derived Class
  • Overloads Overrides
  • Implement Derived Class
  • Overriding in Action
Using Inheritance
  • Create Derived Group Box
  • Create Custom Control
  • Create Custom Event
  • Override Inherited Class
Using Custom Controls
  • Add to Toolbox
  • Create Control Toolbox
  • Test Derived Control
  • Inheritance-based
  • Base Class Type
Using Interfaces
  • Work with Interfaces
  • Implement Interfaces
  • Implement IComparable
  • IComparable.CompareTo
  • Implement IComparer
  • Use Dual Interfaces
Selecting Files
  • ShowDialog Method
  • Filter Property
  • Control Properties
  • Events
Path / FileSystemInfo
  • Path Class Methods
  • Directory / File Classes
  • Object Hierarchy
  • FileSystemInfo Class
  • Directory Class Methods
  • Create Directory Method
TreeView Control
  • Add Nodes
  • Expand Nodes
  • Get Folder Names
  • View Expanded Tree
  • File / Folder Properties
  • TreeView After Select
  • Polymorphism
Reading / Writing Files
  • FillList Procedure
  • FileStream Object
  • FileStream Reader
  • Alternative Solutions
  • StreamWriter
Working with Arrays
  • Create Arrays
  • Dynamically Sized Arrays
  • Arrays as Objects
  • Clone an Array
  • User-defined Arrays
  • Initializing Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays
Controlling Arrays
  • For Each Loop
  • GetUpperBound Method
  • Pass an Array
  • System.Array Members
  • Sort Arrays
  • Search Arrays
Arrays in .NET
  • Arrays and Text Files
  • Resize Theory
  • Sort TextLine Array
ArrayList Class
  • Add / Insert Method
  • AddRange Method
  • Manipulate ArrayList
  • ArrayList and Text Files
HashTable / SortedList
  • Add Item to HashTable
  • HashTable Theory
  • Assign HashTable Value
  • Retrieve From HashTable
  • Iterate Through HashTable
  • SortedList Class
Stack / Queue / Collections
  • Add Items
  • Peek Method
  • Pop / Dequeue
  • Typed Collections
  • Array Problems / Solutions
  • FillTextLineCollection
  • Introduction to ADO.NET
  • ADO.NET Classes
  • OleDb vs. SqlClient
  • System.Data
  • ADO.NET Architecture
  • Presentation Tier
  • DataTable Object
  • Filling a DataTable
Connections / Commands
  • Set Up Connections
  • Make the Connections
  • Commands
  • Command Object
  • DataReader
  • SqlDataReader
  • Close Connections
Working with Data
  • DataAdapter Object
  • DataSet Object
  • Filling a DataSet
  • OleDb DataSet
  • Iterate Rows and Bind
  • Rows and Columns
  • Using SqlDataAdapter
  • Iterate Columns
ADO.NET Providers
  • Choosing a Provider
  • SQL Data Provider
  • OLE DB Provider
  • ODBC Data Provider
  • Multiple Providers
  • Use Interface Inheritance
  • ReadData Procedure
  • Using IDataReader
Using COM Objects
  • Component Types
  • .NET Advantages
  • CLR vs. COM
  • Runtime Callable Wrapper
  • Use VB6 COM Object
Support Data to Excel
  • Working in Excel
  • Send Data to Excel
  • ReleaseComObject
  • Explicitly Declare / Release
Platform Invocation Services
  • Calling Windows API
  • Create Wrapper Class
  • Call Wrapper Class
COM Callable Wrapper
  • Compiler
  • Create COM Object
  • Set Properties
  • Calling .NET
DataBinding Basics
  • .NET DataBinding
  • Setting Up DataSource
  • Data Adapter Wizard
  • Generating a DataSet
  • Bind DataGrid Control
  • Add Fill Method
Limiting Results
  • Query by Form
  • Generate DataAdapter
  • Categories DataSet
  • Bind / Fill ComboBox
  • Create Parameter Query
  • ComboBox Categories
Data Navigation
  • Context and Navigation
  • Set Properties
  • BindingContext
  • Run Navigation Buttons
  • Binding Alternatives
Data Form Wizard
  • Access the Wizard
  • Build from DataSet
  • Run / Load Form
  • Add / Bind Controls
  • Bind Control in Code
  • Bind Control to Controls
Review Classic ASP
  • ASP Example
  • Data Access Code
  • ASP Object Model
  • View Example
  • Handling ASP Postbacks
  • Mixing Code & HTML
  • Generated HTML
  • Loosely-typed Code
  • Limited Tools
  • Obscure Settings
  • Compiled Code
  • XML-based Files
  • Automatic Handling
Create ASP.NET Application
  • Create New Project
  • Web Form Layout
  • HTML View
  • Edit Control Properties
  • Code Window
  • Edit Code
  • Test Application
  • Rendering HTML
Server Controls
  • Sample Page
  • HTML Controls
  • Work with HTML Controls
  • Retrieve Data
  • Hidden Control
  • HTML Table Control
  • Setting HTML Properties
Using Web Controls
  • Sample Page
  • DataGrid Properties
  • Bind Data to DataGrid
  • Use Control Events
  • AutoPostBack
  • Client-side Code
Using DataSets
  • ADO.NET Object Model
  • Advantages
  • XML Bridge
  • ASP.NET Using DataSet
  • Caching Data Changes
  • Accept / Reject Changes
  • Constraints in DataSets
  • Update Database
Creating DataSets
  • Code Overview
  • Page_Load Event
  • Fill Method
  • DataSet to Session
  • Retrieve DataSet
  • Add Constraints
  • Constraints
  • Add Relations
Update with DataAdapters
  • Get Commands
  • ASP.NET DataGrid
  • Custom Commands
  • Add Parameters
  • SourceVersion
  • Stored Procedures
  • Output Parameters
  • Column Properties
  • Value Conflicts
  • AutoIncrement Strategy
Transactional Model
  • ADO.NET Batch Process
  • BeginEdit / EndEdit
  • Explicit Transaction
  • DataRowVersion
  • RowState
  • GetChanges Method
  • AcceptChanges
  • RejectChanges
DataSets and XML
  • Data and Schema
  • File Creation
  • Create Nested XML
  • Open XML Schema
  • XML View
  • Constraints
DataSets and Nested XML
  • Open Nested Schema
  • Reading XML File
  • Implement XML Schema
  • ReadXML
Typed DataSets
  • Advantages
  • Fill DataSet
  • View Typed Schema
  • Generate DataSet
  • View Typed Objects
  • Work with Typed DataSets
Creating XML Schema
  • Create Typed DataSet
  • Modify Schema
  • Define Relationship
  • Add Constraints
  • Saving Schema
Using Crystal Reports
  • Crystal Reports for VS.NET
  • Report Layout
  • Report Issues
  • Setting Up Data
  • Create Report
  • View Expert Results
Modifying Reports
  • Modify Fields
  • Format Objects
  • Format Sections
  • Set Up to View Report
  • Load Report
  • View Report
Crystal Reports Formula
  • Customized Behavior
  • Background Formula
  • Build Expression
  • Review Expression
  • Apply Formula to Report
  • Calculated Fields
  • Format Calculated Fields
Grouping / Totaling Reports
  • Group Options
  • View Grouped Report
  • Subtotal / Grand Total
  • Format Options
  • Filtering Reports
  • Programmatic Filtering
Windows Services
  • Starting Services
  • Considerations
  • Building Windows Services
  • Windows Services Code
  • Service Properties
  • Build Service Installer
  • Install Service
  • Test / Uninstall
Windows Service Example
  • Starting Example
  • Event Procedures
  • OnStart Event
  • Install Setup
  • Test
  • Debug
Understanding Web Service
  • Functionality Issues
  • Web Service Code
  • Test Web Service
  • Service Providers
  • Web Service
Web Service Example
  • Sample Project
  • Web Service Methods
  • GetAllInventory Method
  • GetInventory Method
  • WSDL Document
  • Namespace
Web Service Clients
  • Adding Web References
  • Web Reference Files
  • Reference.vb
  • Calling Web Services
  • Retrieve Value
  • Retrieve DataSet
MS SOAP Toolkit
  • Downloading SOAP
  • Set COM Reference
  • Using SOAP
  • Call Web Services
Using UDDI
  • UDDI on the Web
  • Search UDDI Service
  • Add Reference
  • Implement Web Service
Binding to Views
  • Data Grid Controls
  • Binding Context
  • Adding Relationships
  • Binding to Relations
Formatting the DataGrid
  • Table Styles
  • DataGridTableStyle Editor
  • Format DataGrid
  • DataGrid Format Property
Restrict DataGrid Editing
  • Updating Columns
  • Allow Edit / New / Delete
  • Using DataViews
ListBox Controls
  • ListBox Tools
  • Add Items to ListBox
  • Set ListBox Focus
  • Bind to an Array
Working with Images
  • Populating Options
  • Populate ListBox
  • Remove Header
  • Picture Box
  • Get Image
  • Insert Image
  • Clean Up Database
Code Access Security
  • Security Features
  • Code-based Security
  • Policy Levels
  • Configuration Tool
  • Evidence
  • Stack Walk
  • Permission Requests
  • How Managed Code Works
Implementing Requests
  • Declarative Security
  • Security Action
  • Embedded Attributes
  • Imperative Security
Using Role-based Security
  • Concepts
  • Principal Objects
  • Enable Role Example
  • Add New Group
  • Security Implementation
  • Validate Identity Role
  • Set Security Attributes
  • Permission in Code
MDI Properties
  • Sample Project
  • IsMdiChild
  • IsMdiContainer
  • Create MdiParent
  • Code MDI Forms
Menus in MDI
  • Merge Menus
  • MDI List Properties
  • Active MdiChild Properties
  • MergeType / MergeOrder
  • MDIChild Code
  • Add Menus and Submenus
  • Cut / Copy / Paste Code
Microsoft MDI Sample
  • MDI Samples
  • Image Organization
  • Use MDI ToolBars
  • ImageList Controls
  • Built-in Components
  • Serializable Classes
  • Graphical Procedures
  • Serialize / Deserialize
Graphic Manipulation
  • Sample Form
  • OwnerDraw ComboBox
  • OwnerDraw Options
  • DrawItem Event
  • DrawList Item
  • Use GDI+ Objects
  • Array List
  • DrawItem
Drawing on Forms
  • Example Code
  • Reflection
  • Assign Array
  • CreateGraphics
  • Pass Parameters
  • Set Up GDI+ Objects
  • GDI+ Brush Object
  • Override OnPaint
Transparency and Shaping
  • Transparency Example
  • Shaping Forms
  • OwnerDraw Menu
  • MenuItem Size
  • Draw MenuItem
  • TransparencyKey
  • GraphicsPath
  • Regions and Opacity
Sample Deployment
  • The Basic Unit of Deployment
  • Private / Shared Assembly
  • Deployment Options
Windows Installer
  • MSI
  • Create New Package
  • Select Files
  • Build MSI File
  • Install / Uninstall
  • Registry / File Types
  • Custom Actions
  • Replace MSI Files
Deploying to the GAC
  • Versioning
  • Version Numbers
  • Assembly Cache Viewer
  • Using Strong Names
  • SN.EXE
  • Sharing Components
  • Install in GAC
  • Add Merge Module Project
HTTP Deployment
  • Example
  • XCopy Deployment
  • Security Settings
  • Run Deployed Application
  • Configure Evidence
  • Configure Assembly Trust

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| Visual Basic .NET 2003 with Ken Getz, Andy Baron, and Mary Chipman |
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