Wednesday 14 August 2013

Microsoft LINQ Using Visual Basic 2010 with Ken Getz, Robert Green

Course Description: In this course, you will learn to use the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) to easily create complex data-independent queries. In addition, you will learn about the language features for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2010 in order to make LINQ possible. You will start by working through a quick overview of LINQ, and how it applies to working with collections of objects, retrieving data stored in SQL Server, and creating XML content. Subsequent topics introduce new LINQ-oriented language features, LINQ to Objects, LINQ to DataSets, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to Entities. By the time you have completed the course, you will have a good understanding of now only how to construct LINQ queries to work with data, but also how to use the features added to Visual Basic that support LINQ.

10+ hours of media runtime 

LINQ Intro
  • Data Access In the Past
  • Data Access APIs
  • Object/Relational Mapping
  • But Challenges Still Remain
  • LINQ
  • LINQ and Visual Basic/C#
  • LINQ and Language Features
  • LINQ to...
  • LINQ Overview
  • LINQ Providers
  • Structure of a LINQ Query
  • Three Stages
  • Demo: Numbers > 5
  • The Data Source
  • XML as Data Source
  • SQL as Data Source
  • The Query
  • The Query Execution
  • Returning Multiple Values
  • Demo: Multiple Values
  • Using an Anonymous Type
  • Demo: Anonymous Type
  • Deferred Execution
  • Demo: Deferred Execution
  • Force Execution
  • Demo: Forcing Execution
LINQ Examples
  • LINQ to Objects
  • Demo: LINQ to Objects
  • Continuing the Investigation
  • Extenstion Methods
  • Demo: Extenstion Method
  • LINQ to Group Output
  • Demo: Grouping
  • LINQ to SQL
  • Linking a Class to SQL Server
  • Creating the Class
  • Marking Up the Class
  • Retrieving a Collection
  • Demo: Manually Retrieving Data
  • Anonymous Types
  • Demo: Anonymous Type
  • LINQ to XML
  • Life without LINQ to XML
  • Using System.Xml.Linq Classes
  • Creating Data
  • Demo: LINQ to XML
  • Visual Basic Only
  • Demo: XML Literals
Language Extensions
  • LINQ and Languages
  • The Sample Application
  • Demo: Without New Features
  • Implict Type Delcarations
  • Demo: With New Features
  • Object Initializers
  • Constructors to the Rescue
  • Demo: Object Initializers
Lambda Expressions And More
  • Lambda Overview
  • Using Delegates
  • Demo: Delegates
  • Predicate Delegate Type
  • Demo: Predicate Delegate
  • Using Lambda Expressions
  • Demo: Lambda Expressions
  • Lambda and Delegates
  • Lambda and Sorting
  • Func Delegate Type
  • Demo: Func Declaration
  • Extension Methods
  • Creating Extension Methods
  • Demo: Extension Method
  • Chaining Operations
  • Demo: Chaining Operations
  • Extension vs. Built-In Methods
  • Anonymous Types
  • Demo: Anonymous Types
LINQ And Collections
  • What Can You Query?
  • Arrays
  • Different Types of Objects
  • Arrays of Different Types
  • Using the Let Keyword
  • Using the OfType Method
  • Demo: Query an Array
  • Generic Lists
  • Extension Methods
  • Query Sytax vs. Functional
  • Generic Dictionaries
  • Demo: Lists and Dictionaries
  • Strings
  • Non-Generic Collections
  • Demo: Strings & Non-Generic
LINQ Extension Methods
  • Working with Data
  • Demo: Setup
  • Creating Sequences
  • Selecting Sequences
  • Retrieving a Single Element
  • Demo: Creating Sequences
  • Demo: Selecting Sequences
  • Demo: Single Elements
More LINQ Extension Methods
  • Filtering Sequences
  • Demo: Filtering
  • Ordering Sequences
  • Verifying Sequences
  • Demo: Ordering & Verifying
  • Converting Sequences
  • Positioning within Sequences
  • Demo: Converting & Positioning
  • Calculating Sequences
  • Demo: Calculating
  • More Complex Calculations
  • Sample Calculation
  • Demo: Aggregate Methods
  • Set Operations
  • Demo: Set Operations
Mapping Data To Objects
  • LINQ to SQL
  • Mapping Data to Objects
  • DataContext Class
  • Entity Class
  • Relationships
  • Create an Object Model
  • Demo: O/R designer
Querying Data
  • Querying with LINQ to SQL
  • Generated SQL Statements
  • Simple Queries
  • Using Scaler Functions
  • Using Aggregate Functions
  • Demo: Simple Queries
  • Demo: Scaler Functions
  • Demo: Aggregate Functions
  • Querying Related Tables
  • Demo: Related Tables
More Querying Data
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Extension Methods
  • Demo: Lambda Expressions
  • Demo: Extension Methods
  • Grouping
  • Joins
  • Demo: Grouping
  • Demo: Joins
Modifying Data
  • Overview
  • Demo: Modifying Data
  • Demo: Add a Customer
  • Demo: Delete a Customer
  • Stored Procedures
  • Demo: Stored Procedures
  • Demo: Configure Behavior
LINQ to SQL Advanced Features
  • Deferred Execution
  • Deferred Loading
  • Read Only Queries
  • Compiled Queries
  • Direct Execution of Queries
  • Demo: Deferred Loading
  • Demo: Compiled Queries
  • Transactions
  • Cascading Deletes
  • Tracking Changes
  • Creating Databases
  • Demo: Transactions
  • Data Validation
  • Demo: Data Validation
LINQ to SQL Applications
  • Overview
  • Web Application
  • LinqDataSource Control
  • Demo: Win App
  • Demo: Web App
Querying Data
  • DataSets
  • Working with Data
  • LINQ to DataSet
  • Querying on DataSets
  • Untyped DataSets
  • Typed DataSets
  • Demo: Querying Data
  • Filter, Sort and Find
  • DataViews
  • Demo: DataViews
Data Binding
  • Overview
  • ToList
  • CopyToDataTable
  • AsDataView
  • Demo: Data Binding
Creating XML
  • What About XML?
  • Visual Basic vs C#
  • Creating XML Content
  • Using XMLDocument
  • Demo: XMLDocument
  • XML Content Using LINQ
  • Demo: Creating XML
  • Traversing XML
  • New Methods
  • Demo: Traverse
  • Axis Methods
  • XML Expressions
  • Demo: Axis Operators
  • Updating XML Content
  • Demo: Updating Content
  • Verifying with Schema
  • Demo: Validating Schema
Querying XML
  • Querying XML Content
  • Demo: Query XML with LINQ
  • Anonymous Types
  • Demo: Anonymous Type
  • Extension Methods
  • Demo: The Any Method
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Demo: Lambda Expression
  • Transforming XML
  • Perfoming the Transformation
  • Demo: Transforming XML
  • Replacement Tokens
  • Demo: Replacements
Entity Data Model
  • Entity Framework
  • Entity Data Model
  • Framework Components
  • ObjectContext Class
  • Entity Class
  • Relationships
  • Create an EDM
  • Demo: Create an EDM
Querying Data
  • Overview
  • Viewing SQL
  • Simple Queries
  • Scalar Functions
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Demo: Simple Queries
  • Related Entities
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Demo: Related Tables
  • Grouping
  • Joins
  • Demo: Grouping
  • Demo: Joins
Modifing Data
  • Overview
  • Demo: Modifying Data
  • Demo: Add a Customer
  • Demo: Delete a Customer
  • Stored Procedures
  • Demo: Stored Procedures

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| Microsoft LINQ Using Visual Basic 2010 with Ken Getz, Robert Green |
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