Wednesday 14 August 2013

ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2010 with Ken Getz and Don Kiely

Course Description: In this course, you will learn how to use features of Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Basic/C# 2010 to build ASP.NET Web pages. You will gain an understanding of the architecture behind ASP.NET and how to use the various ASP.NET server controls. You will learn to create consistent web sites using Master Pages, add membership features and configure-deploy ASP.NET applications, to authenticate users and limit their access to resources, direct users using Site Navigation tools, debug .NET, and to display/edit data using ASP.NET and ADO.NET. In addition, you will learn about ASP.NET features, such as support for LINQ (Language Integrated Query), CSS tools, and will become familiar with the tracing features in Visual Studio that help you quickly troubleshoot issues. You will also learn how to work with ASP.NET Profile features, ASP.NET Web Parts, and how to take advantage of creating your own user-defined control. As you progress through the course you will learn about optimizing your sites, the ListView control, and so much more.

27+ hours of media runtime 

Introduction to ASP.NET
  • Dynamically Create Pages
  • Demo: View Classic ASP Page
  • ASP Object Model
  • Demo: View Classic ASP Page
  • Handle ASP Postbacks
  • Demo: View Classic ASP Page
  • Demo: View ASP Page Source
  • ASP Shortcomings
  • ASP.NET to the Rescue
  • ASP.NET Web Apps
  • Create New Web App
  • Demo: Create ASP.NET App
ASP.NET Controls
  • Render HMTL w/Server Ctrls
  • Types of Server Controls
  • HTML Controls
  • Demo: HTML vs Server Ctrls
  • Web Server Controls
  • Demo: Page w/HMTL Ctrls
  • Demo: View Code Behind File
  • Demo: Page_Load Event
  • Demo: Retrieve Data
  • Demo: Handle Postback
  • View Client Source
  • Demo: Build a Table
  • Demo: Properties Window
  • Demo: Modify Styles
  • Browse Final Page
  • ASP.NET Server Controls
  • Demo: Page w/Server Ctrls
  • AutoPostBack Property
  • Demo: AutoPostBack Property
Data Binding
  • Demo: Data Binding
  • Add/Config SqlDataSource
  • Add/Config DropDownList
  • Add Data Connection
  • Add Products Table
  • Refresh Gridview
  • Config Gridview
  • Browse the Page
  • Web Development w/VS
  • Code Behind vs Inline Code
  • Web Sites and Applications
  • Demo: Web Site Project
  • Demo: Web App Project
  • ASP.NET Development Server
  • Demo: Development Server
  • Demo: Web Site Properties
  • Demo: Web App Properties
  • Multi-Targeting Support
  • Demo: Multi-Targeting
Introduction to Controls
  • Web Server Controls
  • WebControl Class
  • Browser Detection
  • Label Control
  • Demo: Label
  • Simple Input Controls
  • TextBox Control
  • Demo: TextBox
  • CheckBox Control
  • RadioButton Control
  • Demo: CheckBox/RadioButton
  • GroupName Property
  • Demo: GroupName Property
Hyperlink Buttons
  • Overview: HyperLink Control
  • Postback Behavior
  • Demo: HyperLink
  • Overview: Button Controls
  • Demo: Button
  • Demo: LinkButton
  • Demo: ImageButton
  • Multi Events w/Single Handler
  • Demo: Handle Multiple Events
  • Display Images
  • Demo: Image Control
  • Demo: ImageMap
  • Define Image Hotspots
  • Demo: Image Hotspots
  • Control Hotspot Behavior
  • Image Alternate Text
List Controls
  • Overview: List Controls
  • Demo: List Controls
  • Demo: Add Items to List
  • Demo: Add Items at Runtime
  • Demo: AutoPostBack
  • Demo: Multiple Selections
  • Demo: Selection List Location
  • Demo: Clear Selections
  • Control Focus
  • Demo: Control Focus
  • Form Defaults
  • Demo: Focus Method
  • Demo: Access Keys
  • Demo: Associated Ctrl ID
  • Demo: Default Buttons
Calendar Control
  • Overview: Rich Controls
  • Overview: Calendar Control
  • Demo: Calendar Control
  • Graphics Instead of Text
  • Demo: Style Properties
  • Handle Calendar Events
  • Demo: Calendar Events
  • Code: SelectionChanged
  • Code: VisibleMonthChanged
  • Demo: DayRender
  • Code: DayRender
  • View Client-side Code
AdRotator / XML Controls
  • Overview: AdRotator
  • Demo: AdRotator
  • How AdRotator Works
  • Advertisements File
  • Set Target Frame
  • Demo: Target Frame
  • Keyword Filter
  • Test AdRotator.aspx
  • Overview: XML Control
  • Demo: XML Control
  • Setting Properties
Retrieve Data
  • Overview: ADO.NET
  • ADO.NET Classes
  • OleDb vs SqlClient
  • ADO.NET Architecture
  • DataTable Object
  • Demo: Fill DataTable
  • Connect to Data Source
  • Set Up Connections
  • Make the Connections
  • The using statement
  • Exception Handling
  • Overview: Commands
  • Overview: Command Object
  • Overview: Read Data
  • Demo: SqlDataReader
Data Set and Providers
  • Work with Data
  • Get Data into DataSet
  • DataSet Object
  • Steps to Fill DataSet
  • Demo: OleDb DataSet
  • Rows and Columns
  • Use DataRows
  • DataColumns and Schema
  • Demo: SqlClient DataSet
  • Choose a Provider
  • SQL Server Data Provider
  • OLE DB Data Provider
  • ODBC Data Provider
  • Multiple Providers
  • Demo: Multiple Providers
Intro to LINQ
  • Working with Data
  • LINQ and VB/C#
  • LINQ and Language Features
  • LINQ Usages
  • LINQ Overview
  • LINQ Syntax
  • Demo: Query Expressions
  • Intellisense with LINQ
  • Extension Methods
  • Demo: Custom Extension
  • More Complex Objects
  • Object Initializers
  • Demo: Object Initializers
  • Query Extension Methods
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Demo: Lambda Expressions
  • Anonymous Types
  • Demo: Anonymous Types
  • Interesting Examples
  • Demo: List Processes
  • Demo: Process a Text File
  • LINQ and Delayed Execution
  • Overview: LINQ to SQL
  • Create Data Model
  • Demo: Add LINQ to SQL Class
  • Demo: Add Stored Procedure
  • Demo: Examine Data Model
  • Demo: Query SQL Database
  • Call Stored Procedures
  • Demo: Call Stored Proc
  • Anonymous Types w/SQL
  • Demo: Anonymous Types
  • Modify SQL Data
  • Demo: Modify SQL Data
LINQ to DataSets/XML
  • Overview: LINQ to DataSets
  • LINQ to Typed DataSets
  • Demo: Typed DataSets
  • LINQ to Untyped DataSets
  • Demo: Untyped DataSets
  • LINQ tor XML
  • Demo: LINQ to XML
  • Transform XML
  • Demo: Transform XML
.NET Configuration
  • Benefits
  • Navigate Hierarchy
  • machine.config
  • Demo: config files
  • Root web.config
  • Application web.config
  • Use location Element
  • Config File Elements
  • system.web Element
  • Demo: web.config
  • appSettings Section
  • connectionStrings Section
  • system.web Section
  • ASP.NET Configuration Tools
  • Config Security Features
  • Web Site Admin Tool
  • Demo: Web Site Admin Tool
  • Unified Error Handling
Programming Configuration
  • Configuration APIs
  • Demo: Configuration API
  • Connection Strings/Providers
  • Write to Config Files
  • Demo: Write to Config Files
  • Save appSettings
  • Retrieve all appSettings
External Files
  • Overview: Exernal FIles
  • Demo: External Config File
  • Standard Config Sections
  • Demo: Debug Setting
  • Read from Standard Section
  • Write to Standard Section
  • Is There More to Config API?
  • Encrypt Config Sections
  • Protected Config Provider
  • Demo: Protected Provider
  • Demo: Encrypted Conn String
  • Demo: Encrypt Data
  • Retrieve Connection Strings
  • Encrypt w/External FIle
  • Move Encrypted Files
  • Data Binding
  • Data Source Controls
  • Data-Bound Controls
  • SqlDataSource
  • Demo: SqlDataSource
  • Configue SqlDataSource
  • Add/Configure DropDownList
  • Run/View Source
  • Use Stored Procedure
  • Add/Config DetailsView Ctrl
  • View in Browser
  • Add/Configure Filtering
  • Data Source Control Events
  • Handle Delete Error
  • Demo: Handle Delete Error
  • Demo: Dropdown Refresh
  • Demo: Item Updated Event
Other DataSource Controls
  • ObjectDataSource Control
  • Demo: ObjectDataSource
  • LinqDataSource Control
  • Demo: LinqDataSource
  • XmlDataSource Control
  • Demo: XmlDataSource
  • Demo: FormView Control
Simple Validators
  • Where Do They Work?
  • Overview: Validation Ctrls
  • Types of Validators
  • Is a Page Valid
  • RequiredFieldValidator
  • Designer Markup
  • Handle Initial Values
  • Manage Screen Size
  • Demo: RequiredFieldValidator
  • RangeValidator
  • Demo: RangeValidator
  • CompareValidator
  • Demo: CompareValidator
  • View Client Source
  • RegularExpressionValidator
  • Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expression Editor
  • Demo: RegExprValidator
  • Combine Validators
  • CustomValidator
  • CustomValidator Props
  • Validate on the Server
  • When Does it Validate?
  • Client Side Validation
  • Demo: CustomValidator
  • ValidationSummary
  • Demo: ValidationSummary
  • Validation Groups
  • Demo: Validation Groups
CSS Styles
  • Advantages of Styles
  • Format Content w/HTML
  • Styles on HTML Elements
  • Demo: Add Inline Style
  • Design Embedded Style Sheet
  • Define a Style
  • Demo: Define Styles
  • Design Linked Style Sheet
  • Linked Style Sheets
  • Overview: CSS
  • Cascading Order
  • Investigating Styles
  • Font Attributes/family
  • Demo: font-family
  • Font Styles-Decorations
  • Demo: Font Styles
  • Attributes
  • Demo: Attributes
  • DIV and SPAN Tags
  • Demo: DIV and SPAN Tags
  • Classes and IDs
  • Group Attributes
  • Consolidate Styles
  • Demo: Classes and IDs
  • Review: CSS
  • Overview: ASP.NET Themes
  • Themes vs CSS
  • Themes, Folders and Skins
  • Demo: Explore Themes
  • Skins
  • View Label Markup
  • View Skin Markup
  • Create a Theme
  • Demo: Apply a Theme
  • Demo: Create a Theme
  • Organize Skins
  • Work with Themes
  • Deal with Conflicts
  • Demo: Conflicts w/Themes
  • Opt Out of Theme
  • Create Named Skins
  • Demo: Use Named Skins
  • Images with Skins
  • Demo: Use Images
  • Combine CSS and Themes
  • Apply Themes Globally
  • Apply Themes at Runtime
  • Demo: Themes at Runtime
Master Pages
  • Two New Page Types
  • Demo: Create Master Page
  • Demo: Create Content Page
  • Convert to Content Page
  • Add Default Content
  • Demo: Convert Page
  • Demo: Add Default Content
  • Practical Master Pages
  • Demo: Add Table Layout
  • Nested Master Pages
  • Demo: Nested Master Pages
  • Providers / Data Sources
  • Default XmlSiteMapProvider
  • SiteMapDataSource Control
  • Absolute / Relative URLs
  • Relative URLs
  • Absolute URLs
  • URLs in Server-Side Controls
  • Create XML Site Map
  • Demo: XML Site Map
  • Built-In / Custom Attributes
  • Site Navigation Controls
  • Demo: Navigation Controls
  • View Page Source
  • SiteMapDataSource Control
Navigation API
  • Demo: Navigation API
  • Demo: Master Page Nav
  • URL Mapping
  • Demo: URL Rewriting
  • External Config Files
  • Adjust Site Map
  • Demo: Child Site Map
  • Multiple Site Map Providers
Security Trimming
  • Demo: Navigation Security
  • Authentication/Authorization
  • Website Admin Tool
  • Configure Authentication
  • Enable User Login
  • Test the Application
  • Set Up Roles
  • Override Automatic Trimming
Gridview - Part 1
  • Configure the Gridview
  • View the Source
  • Filter Gridview Data
  • Create a DropDownList
  • Test the DropDownList
  • Filter by Selection
  • Add DropDownList to Grid
  • Introducing Templates
  • Convert into a Template
  • Demo: Convert to Template
  • Edit DataBindings
  • Demo: Show Data w/Gridview
  • Browse the Page
Gridview - Part 2
  • Display Filtered Info
  • Add a Hyperlink
  • View the Page
  • Make Hyperlink Editable
  • Make Field Sortable
  • Delete Rows / Handle Errors
  • Add Delete Link
  • Convert to Template Field
  • Add Client-Side Alert
  • Test Delete Link
  • Add Event Handling Code
Preserving State
  • Methods to Preserve State
  • Page-Level State
  • Dynamic Page Modifications
  • Demo: Dynamic Modifications
  • View State / Page Lifecycle
  • Enable Change Events
  • Demo: Enable Change Events
  • Overview: View State
  • Preserve Postback Data
  • Raise Change Events
  • Storing Custom Data
  • Custom Data Syntax
  • Disable View State
  • View State: Encryption
  • View State: Tampering
  • Page-Level Limitations
  • Demo: Cookies
  • Using Cookies
  • Demo: Work with Cookies
  • Limits of Cookies
  • ASP.NET Session State
  • Problems in Classic ASP
  • Demo: Default Session State
  • Session Object
  • Session Object Methods
  • Store Objects in Session
  • Demo: Store Objects
  • Store ADO.NET Objects
  • Demo: Work with Data
  • Review: Object Storage
Configuring State
  • Session State Options
  • Session State Mode Attribute
  • Out-of-Proc State Server
  • Demo: Config State Server
  • Ensure Data Is Serializable
  • Use DataViews/ DataTables
  • Test StateServer Session
  • Store Session in SQL Server
  • Config SQL Server State
  • SQL Server Objects
  • Test SQL Server Session State
  • Cookieless Session IDs
  • Application State
Intro to Membership
  • Overview: Membership
  • Membership Management
  • Role Management
  • Security Services Stack
  • Where Does Data Go?
  • Data Access Provider Model
  • Prepare SQL Server
  • Demo: Prepare SQL Server
  • Set Up Configuration
  • Web-Based Config Tool
  • Demo: ASP.NET Config Tool
  • Set a Provider
  • Set Up Security
  • Create/Manage Roles
  • Create/Manage User
  • Examine web.config
  • Examine aspnetdb.mdf
  • Modify Provider Behavior
  • Examine machine.config
  • Role Support
  • Role Manager
  • Create/Manage Access Rules
  • Test Access Rule
  • Work without Cookies
Membership Controls
  • Overview
  • LoginStatus Control
  • Login Control
  • Demo: LoginStatus Control
  • Demo: Login Control
  • LoginView Control
  • LoginName Control
  • ChangePassword Control
  • PasswordRecovery Control
  • CreateUserWizard Control
  • Demo: LoginView/LoginName
  • Demo: ChangePassword Ctrl
  • Demo: PasswordRecovery Ctrl
  • Demo: Config Email Settings
  • Demo: CreateUserWizard Ctrl
Membership API
  • Overview: Membership API
  • MembershipUser Class
  • Demo: Work with Users
  • Add New User
  • Delete a User
  • Change Password Info
  • Find Users by Email
  • Find Users by Name
  • Reset Password
  • Roles Class
  • Demo: Work with Roles
  • Get All Roles
  • Delete Roles
  • Is User in Role
  • Add User to Role
  • Create Custom Provider
  • Sample XML Provider
  • Demo: Use Custom Provider
Server Debugging
  • Visual Debugger
  • Demo: Configure Debugging
  • Visual Studio Options
  • Config Project-Level Debug
  • Work with Breakpoints
  • Breakpoints Window
  • VS Stores Breakpoints
  • Step through Code
  • Debug Toolbar
  • Customize Debug Toolbar
  • Step Into/Step Over/Step Out
  • DataTips and Visualizers
  • Work With Data Tips
  • Run to Cursor
  • Work with Visualizers
  • DataSet Visualizer
  • Tracepoints
Debugging Windows
  • Debugging Windows
  • Locals Window
  • Watch/Quick Watch Windows
  • Call Stack/Threads Windows
  • Debug Exceptions/Handle Errs
  • The Exception Assistant
  • Redirecting Users
  • Custom Error Page
  • aspxerrorpath query string
  • Debug Stored Procedures
  • Debug w/Database Project
  • Work with Data Connections
JavaScript Debugging
  • Overview: Debugging
  • Configure Script Debugging
  • Demo: Config Script Debug
  • Demo: Debugging
  • Break Mode /Breakpoints
  • Dynamic Debug Tab
  • Data Visualizers
  • Locals Window
  • Immediate Window
  • Breakpoints Saved
  • Dynamic Resource Files
  • Demo: Debug Menu Control
  • Limits of Breakpoint Mapping
Custom Visualizers
  • XML Visualizer
  • Custom Data Visualizers
  • Demo: Create a Visualizer
  • Build Custom Visualizer
  • Demo: Create Interface
  • Code: Create Interface
  • Implement Client Visualizer
  • Demo: Page-Level Tracing
  • Trace.Write and Trace.Warn
  • Demo: Using Write and Warn
  • Interpret Trace Output
  • Page Tracing with TraceContext
  • Demo: TraceContext
  • Application-Level Tracing
  • Configuring Web.config
  • Attributes and Options
  • Forwarding Trace Output
  • Demo: Forwarding Trace Output
  • Using the Trace Viewer Tool
  • Demo: Trace Viewer Tool
  • Using TraceListeners
  • TraceListener Methods
  • Pre-Defined TraceListeners
  • Trace Switches
  • TraceSwitch Class
  • Configuring Switches
  • Demo: Switches in Web.config
  • Demo: Listeners and Switches
  • WebPageTraceListener
  • Demo: WebPageTraceListener
  • Demo: Diagnostics Tracing
Health Monitoring
  • TraceFinished Event
  • TraceContextRecord
  • Demo: Create Event Handler
  • Send Web Event Data
  • Demo: Setup aspnetdb Database
  • Demo: SqlWebEventProvider
  • Providers and Rules
  • Event Mappings
  • Demo: View webconfig
  • Demo: View Event Data
User Controls
  • User-Defined Controls
  • Demo: Creating a User Control
  • A More Complex User Control
  • Providing States Data
  • User Control Properties
  • User Control Events
  • Demo: Investigate the Control
  • Demo: Providing States Data
  • Demo: User Control Properties
  • Demo: User Control Events
  • Demo: Testing the User Control
Custom Controls
  • Demo: Create a Custom Control
  • StateDropDownList Control
  • Rendering the Control
  • HtmlTextWriter Class
  • Demo: Creating the Control
  • Adding Control Attributes
  • Demo: Adding Attributes
  • Rendering Controls Contents
  • Control Properties
  • Demo: Control Properties
  • Managing Property Behavior
  • Demo: Property Behavior
  • Working with Postback Data
  • IPostBackDataHandler Interface
  • Demo: IPostBackDataHandler
  • PostBack Sequence
  • Loading Postback Data
  • Raising Postback Events
  • Demo: Postback Events
  • Reviewing the Postback Events
  • Specifying a Toolbox Icon
  • Demo: Toolbox Icon
  • Finishing Touches
  • Demo: Ease-of-Use Features
  • Improvements over Classic ASP
  • Types of Caching in ASP.NET
  • Page Output Caching
  • Caching Static Pages
  • Demo: Caching Static Pages
  • Caching Multiple Page Versions
  • Demo: Multiple Page Versions
  • Varying by Form Parameters
  • Demo: Form Parameters
  • Varying by HTTP Header
  • Demo: Varying by HTTP Header
  • Varying by Browser
  • Demo: Varying by Browser
  • Varying by a Custom String
  • Demo: Varying by String
Page Fragments
  • Demo: Caching Page Fragments
  • Using VaryByControl
  • Demo: Using VaryByControl
  • Multiple Versions of a Control
  • Demo:Multiple Control Versions
  • Post-Cache Substitution
  • Call a Method to Insert HTML
  • Demo: WriteSubstitution Method
  • Caching Configuration
  • Demo: Caching Configuration
Advanced Caching
  • Declarative Output Caching
  • Demo: Declarative Output
  • Advanced Caching Features
  • Test Caching in VS
  • Programmatic Page Caching
  • Setting Cacheability
  • Demo: Set Cacheability
  • Vary by Parameters, Headers...
  • Demo: Vary by Parameters
  • Additional Options
  • Caching Data
  • Using Cache.Add / Cache.Insert
  • Controlling Expiration
  • Item Expiration Notification
  • Demo: Dependencies
Data Caching
  • SqlCacheDependency Object
  • Demo: Poll Changes to a Table
  • Steps for Poll-Based Caching
  • Data Source Controls
  • Demo: Data Source Controls
  • Source Control vs. Directive
  • Polling on Query Results
  • Demo: Polling on Query Results
  • SQL Query Notifications
  • Demo: Enable Notifications
Repeater Control
  • List-Bound Controls
  • Data Binding
  • Controls and Templates
  • What About ListView?
  • What About Templates?
  • Using the Repeater Control
  • Demo: Repeater Control
  • Demo: Displaying Data
  • Binding to Data
  • Demo: Binding to Data
  • Demo: CategoryDetail.aspx
  • Repeater Control Events
  • Demo: Item Command Event
DataList Control
  • Creating a DataList Control
  • DataList Templates
  • Demo: DataList Example
  • Formatting the DataList
  • Demo: Format DataList Control
  • Binding Data to the DataList
  • Demo: Binding Data
  • Demo: Editing Templates
  • Demo: Select a Row
  • Demo: Editing Data
  • Demo: EditCommand Event
  • Demo: CancelCommand Event
  • Demo: UpdateCommand Event
ListView Control
  • Intro to ListView Control
  • Demo: ASP.NET ListView
  • Demo: Configuring ListView
  • ListView Control Templates
  • Demo: Look at ListView Templates
  • Demo: Configure ListView Templates
  • Grouping Items
  • Demo: Grouping Items
  • Modifying ListView Data
  • Demo: Modifying ListView Data
Static Page to Listview
  • Demo: Examining Static Page
  • Demo: Modifying Page to Listview
  • Demo: Adding LINQDataSource
  • Demo: Enable Data Editing
  • Sort Data in a Listview
  • Demo: Sort Data in a Listview
  • Adding Paging with DataPager
  • Demo: Paging
  • Demo: Next/Previous Page Field
  • Display the Paging Location
  • Demo: Display Paging Location
  • PagerCommand Event
  • Demo: PagerCommand Event
Intro to Profiles
  • Introducing Profiles
  • Profiles Strongly Typed Acces
  • Demo: Profile Behavior
  • Storing Profile Data
  • Demo: Storing Profile Data
  • Considering Profiles
  • Configuring Profiles
  • Setting Up Web.config
  • Adding New Properties
  • Creating Property Groups
  • Using Custom Types
  • Demo: Using Custom Types
  • SQL Server for Profile Storage
  • Modifying Provider Behavior
  • Demo: Machine.config
  • Investigating the Sample Site
  • Demo: Sample Site
Anonymous Profiles
  • Work with Anonymous Profiles
  • Enabling Anonymous Profiles
  • Migrating Anonymous Users
  • Demo: Migrating Anonymous Users
  • Custom Profile Provider
  • Demo: Examine Custom Provider
  • Compare Profiles/Session State
Web Deployment/History
  • Web Deployment Projects
  • Demo: Web Deployment Projects
  • ASP.NET AJAX History
  • Demo: AJAX History
  • Use AJAX History
  • Demo: Using AJAX History
  • Demo: Page Using AJAX History
Dynamic Data
  • Create a Dynamic Data Website
  • Demo: Dynamic Data Website
  • Demo: Run Dynamic Data Site
  • Dynamic Web Site Structure
  • Demo: Structure of the Site
  • Demo: Routing
  • Demo: Web Site Templates
  • Change Data Display
  • Demo: Change Data Display
  • Change Page Templates
  • Demo: Change Page Templates

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| ASP.NET Using Visual Basic 2010 with Ken Getz and Don Kiely |
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