Wednesday 13 March 2013

IT2354 - Embedded System notes - "INTERRUPT"




Busy-wait I/O is extremely inefficient—the CPU does nothing but test the device status

while the I/O transaction is in progress. In many cases, the CPU could do useful work in

parallel with the I/O transaction, such as:


computation, as in determining the next output to send to the device or processing

the last input received, and


control of other I/O devices. To allow parallelism,we need to introduce


The interrupt mechanism allows devices to signal the CPU and to force execution of a

particular piece of code. When an interrupt occurs, the program counter’s value is changed

to point to an interrupt handler routine (also commonly known as a device driver) that

takes care of the device: writing the next data, reading data that have just become ready,

and so on. The interrupt mechanism of course saves the value of the PC at the interruption

so that the CPU can return to the program that was interrupted. Interrupts therefore allow

the flow of control in the CPU to change easily between different contexts, such as a

foreground computation and multiple I/O devices. As shown in Figure, the interface

between the CPU and I/O device includes the following signals for interrupting:

ü the I/O device asserts the interrupt request signal when it wants service from the

CPU; and

ü the CPU asserts the interrupt acknowledge signal when it is ready to handle the I/O

device’s request.

The I/O device’s logic decides when to interrupt; for example, it may generate an

interrupt when its status register goes into the ready state. The CPU may not be able to

immediately service an interrupt request because it may be doing something else that must

be finished first—for example, a program that talks to both a high-speed disk drive and

a low-speed keyboard should be designed to finish a disk transaction before handling a

keyboard interrupt. Only when the CPU decides to acknowledge the interrupt does the

CPU change the program counter to point to the device’s handler. The interrupt handler

operates much like a subroutine, except that it is not called by the executing program.

The program that runs when no interrupt is being handled is often called the foreground

program; when the interrupt handler finishes, it returns to the foreground program,

wherever processing was interrupted.

The interrupt mechanism.

Ø Priorities and Vectors

Providing a practical interrupt system requires having more than a simple interrupt

request line. Most systems have more than one I/O device, so there must be some mechanism

for allowing multiple devices to interrupt.We also want to have flexibility in the locations of the

interrupt handling routines,the addresses for devices,and so on. There are two ways in which

interrupts can be generalized to handle multiple devices and to provide more flexible definitions

for the associated hardware and software:

ü interrupt priorities allow the CPU to recognize some interrupts as more important

than others, and

ü interrupt vectors allow the interrupting device to specify its handler.

Prioritized interrupts not only allow multiple devices to be connected to the interrupt

line but also allow the CPU to ignore less important interrupt requests while it handles more

important requests. As shown in Figure, the CPU provides several different interrupt request

signals, shown here as L1, L2, up to Ln. Typically, the lower-numbered interrupt lines are given

higher priority, so in this case, if devices 1, 2,and n all requested interrupts simultaneously, 1’s

request would be acknowledged because it is connected to the highest-priority interrupt line.

Rather than provide a separate interrupt acknowledge line for each device, most CPUs

use a set of signals that provide the priority number of the winning interrupt in binary form (so

that interrupt level 7 requires 3 bits rather than 7). A device knows that its interrupt request was

accepted by seeing its own priority number on the interrupt acknowledge lines.

Prioritized device interrupts.

How do we change the priority of a device?

Simply by connecting it to a different interrupt request line. This requires hardware

modification, so if priorities need to be changeable, removable cards, programmable switches, or

some other mechanism should be provided to make the change easy.

The priority mechanism must ensure that a lower-priority interrupt does not occur when

a higher-priority interrupt is being handled. The decision process is known as masking. When

an interrupt is acknowledged, the CPU stores in an internal register the priority level of that

interrupt. When a subsequent interrupt is received, its priority is checked against the priority

register; the new request is acknowledged only if it has higher priority than the currently pending


When the interrupt handler exits, the priority register must be reset. The need to reset the

priority register is one reason why most architectures introduce a specialized instruction to return

from interrupts rather than using the standard subroutine return instruction. The highest-priority

interrupt is normally called the non maskable interrupt (NMI).The NMI cannot be turned off

and is usually reserved for interrupts caused by power failures—a simple circuit can be used

to detect a dangerously low power supply, and the NMI interrupt handler can be used to save

critical state in nonvolatile memory, turn off I/O devices to eliminate spurious device operation

during power down, and so on.

Most CPUs provide a relatively small number of interrupt priority levels, such as eight.

While more priority levels can be added with external logic, they may not be necessary in all

cases. When several devices naturally assume the same priority (such as when you have several

identical keypads attached to a single CPU), you can combine polling with prioritized interrupts

to efficiently handle the devices.

Using polling to share an interrupt over several devices.

Vectors provide flexibility in a different dimension, namely, the ability to define the

interrupt handler that should service a request from a device. Figure shows the hardware

structure required to support interrupt vectors. In addition to the interrupt request and

acknowledge lines, additional interrupt vector lines run from the devices to the CPU. After a

device’s request is acknowledged, it sends its interrupt vector over those lines to the CPU. The

CPU then uses the vector number as an index in a table stored in memory as shown in Figure.

The location referenced in the interrupt vector table by the vector number gives the address of

the handler.

There are two important things to notice about the interrupt vector mechanism.

First, the device, not the CPU, stores its vector number. In this way, a device can be given

a new handler simply by changing the vector number it sends, without modifying the system

software. For example, vector numbers can be changed by programmable switches.

The second thing to notice is that there is no fixed relationship between vector numbers

and interrupt handlers. The interrupt vector table allows arbitrary relationships between devices

and handlers. The vector mechanism provides great flexibility in the coupling of hardware

devices and the software routines that service them.

Most modern CPUs implement both prioritized and vectored interrupts. Priorities

determine which device is serviced first, and vectors determine what routine is used to service

the interrupt. The combination of the two provides a rich interface between hardware and


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