Friday 29 March 2013

IT2354 Embedded System - 2. Explain the instruction sets and condition codes of ARM processor with an example for each - 16 marks

   Explain the instruction sets and condition codes of ARM processor with an example for each.
ARM is actually a family of RISC architectures that have been developed over many years. ARM does not manufacture its own VLSI devices; rather, it licenses its architecture to companies who either manufacture the CPU itself or integrate theARM processor into a larger system.
The textual description of instructions, as opposed to their binary representation, is called an assembly language. ARM instructions are written one per line, starting after the first column. Comments begin with a semicolon and continue to the end of the line. A label, which gives a name to a memory location, comes at the beginning of the line, starting in the first column. Here is an example:
LDR r0,[r8]; a comment
label ADD r4,r0,r1
Ø  Processor and Memory Organization
Different versions of the ARM architecture are identified by different numbers. ARM7 is a von Neumann architecture machine, while ARM9 uses Harvard architecture. However, this difference is invisible to the assembly language programmer, except for possible performance differences. The ARM architecture supports two basic types of data:
ü  The standard ARM word is 32 bits long.
ü  The word may be divided into four 8-bit bytes.
ARM7 allows addresses up to 32 bits long. An address refers to a byte, not a word. Therefore, the word 0 in the ARM address space is at location 0, the word 1 is at 4, the word 2 is at 8, and so on. (As a result, the PC is incremented by 4 in the absence of a branch.) The ARM processor can be configured at power-up to address the bytes in a word in either little-endian mode (with the lowest-order byte residing in the low-order bits of the word) or big-endian mode (the lowest-order byte stored in the highest bits of the word). General purpose computers have sophisticated instruction sets. Some of this sophistication is required simply to provide the functionality of a general computer, while other aspects of instruction sets may be provided to increase performance, reduce code size, or otherwise improve program characteristics.

Byte organization within an ARM word
Ø  Data Operations
Arithmetic and logical operations in C are performed in variables. Variables are implemented as memory locations. Therefore, to be able to write instructions to perform C expressions and assignments, we must consider both arithmetic and logical instructions as well as instructions for reading and writing memory.
Let us consider sample fragment of C code with data declarations and several assignment statements. The variables a, b, c, x, y, and z all become data locations in memory. In most cases data are kept relatively separate from instructions in the program’s memory image.
In the ARM processor, arithmetic and logical operations cannot be performed directly on memory locations. While some processors allow such operations to directly reference main memory, ARM is load-store architecture. Data operands must first be loaded into the CPU and then stored back to main memory to save the results. Figure 2.8 shows the registers in the basic ARM programming model. ARM has 16 general-purpose registers, r0 through r15. Except for r15, they are identical. Any operation that can be done on one of them can be done on the other one also. The r15 register has the same capabilities as the other registers, but it is also used as the program counter. The program counter should of course not be overwritten for use in data operations. However, giving the PC the properties of a general-purpose register allows the program counter value to be used as an operand in computations, which can make certain programming tasks easier.
The other important basic register in the programming model is the current program status register (CPSR). This register is set automatically during every arithmetic, logical, or shifting operation. The top four bits of the CPSR hold the following useful information about the results of that arithmetic/logical operation:
ü  The negative (N) bit is set when the result is negative in two’s-complement arithmetic.
ü  The zero (Z) bit is set when every bit of the result is zero.
ü  The carry (C) bit is set when there is a carry out of the operation.
ü  The overflow (V) bit is set when an arithmetic operation results in an overflow.

The basic ARM programming model
Ø  ARM data instructions
ARM comparison instructions
ARM move instructions
ARM load-store instructions and pseudo-operations
Ø  Flow of Control
The B (branch) instruction is the basic mechanism in ARM for changing the flow of control. The address that is the destination of the branch is often called the branch target. Branches are PC-relative—the branch specifies the offset from the current PC value to the branch target. The offset is in words, but because the ARM is byte addressable, the offset is multiplied by four (shifted left two bits, actually) to form a byte address. Thus, the instruction B #100 will add 400 to the current PC value.
We often wish to branch conditionally, based on the result of a given computation. The if - statement is a common example. The ARM allows any instruction, including branches, to be executed conditionally. This allows branches to be conditional, as well as data operations.

Condition codes in ARM

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| IT2354 Embedded System - 2. Explain the instruction sets and condition codes of ARM processor with an example for each - 16 marks |
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