Anna University, Chennai - Important Questions
EE 2201- Measurement
and Instrumentation
Unit I-V
1. Give methods of
using any three standard inputs being used for analyzing the dynamic response
of system with neat sketches
2. Discuss in detail
various types errors associated in measurement and how these errors can be
3. Draw the block
diagram of functional elements of an instrumentation system and explain the
function of each block
4. Define and explain
the static characteristics of an instrument
5. Explain the
construction and derive the torque equation for an electro dynamometer type
6. Explain the construction
and working of electrodynamometer type instruments, derive its torque equation
7. Describe the
construction and functioning of mechanical type (vibrating type) frequency
8. Explain the
different methods of determination of B –H curve
9. Explain different types
of A.C potentiometer in detail
10.Discuss about the
various grounding techniques
11. Explain the Two
types of Kelvin’s Bridge with advantages and applications
12.Discuss the effects
of electro static and electromagnetic interference in instruments
13. With neat block
diagram explain the working of digital storage oscilloscope.
14.Describe the basic
components of CRT
15. With a neat block
diagram explain the working principle of a digital CRO
16.Briefly discuss the use of LED and LCD as display devices in
instrumentation. Comment on their relative merits and demerits
17. What is data acquisition system? Give the block diagram
arrangement of a data acquisition system and describe the function of each
18.Explain any four
active transducers in detail
19.Explain any two
types of D/A converter.
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