University, Chennai Nov/Dec 2012 -Important Questions
& Microcontrollers
1. Explain the 8085 the
generation of dedicated address and data bus signals from multiplexed address/data
2. Explain the 8086
interrupt types in detail
3. Explain the internal
hardware architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat diagram
4. Briefly explain the concept of DMA
5. Explain the relative
addressing mode and string addressing mode
with its syntax in 8086
6. Explain the data
transfer group and logical group of 8086
7. Explain the
few assembler directives
with suitable examples
8. What are the instruction set of 8086 ? Explain each briefly
9. Write neat block
diagram explain the 8279 keyboard display
controller and its software commands
10.Explain the
interfacing of any 8 bit A/D converter with a 8086 microprocessor. Also write a
necessary assembly language program for conversion
11. Write neat block
diagram explain the 8255 Programmable peripheral interface and its operating modes
12.Explain the
memory organization of 8051
13. Explain the program
control transfer instructions in 8051
14.Explain the serial port operation of 8051 microcontroller
15. Explain the timer operation of 8051
16.Draw and explain the
washing machine control with 8051 microcontroller. And also write an
ALP for control
17. Draw and explain the block diagram of traffic
light control system with program
18.Draw and explain the
diagram to interface a stepper motor with a 8051 microcontroller. Also write
an ALP to run the stepper motor
in both forward and reverse direction with delay
19.Draw and explain the
washing machine control with 8051 microcontroller. And also write an
ALP for control