Operating Systems CS2411 Nov/Dec 2012 Important Questions - Anna University,Chennai
Anna University,
Chennai Nov/Dec 2012 Examinations
Important Questions
Operating Systems CS2411
7th Sem EEE
Unit I-V
1. Explain in detail
about Operating System Structures.
2. Explain the Types of
System Calls in detail.
3. Explain about inter
process communication.
4. Explain in detail
about virtual machines.
5. What is meant by a
process? Explain states of process with neat sketch and discuss the process
state transition with a neat diagram
6. Explain briefly any
four CPU scheduling algorithms with examples.(Problem + Theory)
7. Explain
Banker’s deadlock-avoidance algorithm with an illustration.
8. Give a detailed
description about deadlocks and its characterization.
9. Explain what
semaphores are, their usage, implementation given to avoid busy waiting and
binary semaphores.
10.Explain about the techniques for
structuring the page table.
11. Explain the various
page replacement strategies.(With example)
12.Discuss about Swapping b)
Paging c) Segmentation d) TLB hit/miss
various file allocation methods and free space management with neat diagram.
14. What are the
directory implementation techniques available? Explain in detail.
15.Explain the various directory
structure in detail.
16. Explain the various
disk scheduling techniques
17.What is meant by RAID levels? Which
level is used for what purpose?
18.Write in detail about the kernel I/O
subsystem and I/O hardware.19.Write notes about disk management.