1. Study of capabilities of
software for Drafting and Modeling – Coordinate systems (absolute,
relative, polar, etc.) – Creation of simple figures like polygon and
general multi-line figures.
2. Drawing of a Title Block with necessary text and projection symbol.
3. Drawing of curves like parabola, spiral, involute using Bspline or cubic spline.
4. Drawing of front view and top view of simple solids like prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, etc, and dimensioning.
5. Drawing front view, top
view and side view of objects from the given pictorial views (eg.
V-block, Base of a mixie, Simple stool, Objects with hole and curves).
6. Drawing of a plan of residential building ( Two bed rooms, kitchen, hall, etc.)
7. Drawing of a simple steel truss.
8. Drawing sectional views of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, etc,
9. Drawing isometric projection of simple objects.
10. Creation of 3-D models of simple objects and obtaining 2-D multi-view drawings from 3-D model.