Wednesday 5 December 2012

Anna University Important Questions in ME2203 KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY for 3rd Semester Mechanical Engg

Ana University Important Questions
3rd Sem MECH
Unit I-V

Type        :  Questions
Sem          :    3rd Semester
Subjecat :   Kinematics of Machinery
Branch    :    Mechanical Engineering
Univ         :   Anna University , Affiliated Colleges

1. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Whitworth quick return
2. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Single slider and double
slider crank chain mechanism
3. Explain any two inversion of four bar chain
4. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of O ldham’s coupling.
5. In a four link mechanism, the dimensions of the links are AB=200 mm,
BC=400mm, CD=450 mm and AD=600mm. At the instant when DAB=90°, the
link AB has angular velocity of 36 rad/s in the clockwise direction. Determine (i)
The velocity of point C, (ii) The velocity of point E on the link BC When BE =200
mm (iii) the angular velocities of links BC and CD, iv) acceleration of link of link BC
6. PQRS is a four bar chain with fixed link PS. The length of the links are : PQ = 62.5
mm, QR = 175 mm, RS = 112.5 mm and PS = 200 mm. The crank PQ rotates at 10
rad/s clockwise. Draw the velocity diagram and acceleration diagram when angle
QPS = 600 and find the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the links QR
and RS
7. Derive the expression for Coriolis component of acceleration with neat sketch
8. In a steam engine mechanism shown in figure a) the crank AB rotates at 200 rpm.
The dimensions of various links are AB = 12cm, BC = 48cm, CD = 18cm and DE
=36cm, EF = 12 cm and FP = 36cm. Find the velocities of C,D,E,F and P.
9. A tangent cam to drive a roller follower through a total lift of 12.5 mm for a cam
rotation of 75°. The cam speed is 600 rpm . The distance between cam centre and
follower centre at full lift is 45 mm and the roller is 20 mm in diameter. Find the
cam proportions and plot displacement, velocity and acceleration for one full
10.Draw the profile of a cam operating a roller reciprocating follower and with the
following data: Minimum radius of cam =25 mm; lift=30mm; Roller diameter=
15mm. The cam lifts the follower for 120° with SHM, followed by a dwell period
of 30°. Then the follower lowers down during 150° of cam rotation with uniform
acceleration and retardation followed by a dwell period. If the cam rotates at a
uniform speed of 150 RPM. Calculate the maximum velocity and acceleration of
follower during the descent period

11. Draw the profile of a cam operating a Knife-edged follower from the following
data: (a) Follower to move outward through 40 mm during 60° of a cam rotation;
(b) Follower to dwell for the next 45° (c) Follower to return its original position
during next 90° (d)Follower to dwell for the rest of cam rotation. The
displacement of the follower is to take place with simple harmonic motion during
both the outward and return strokes. The least radius of the cam is 50mm. If the
cam rotates at 300 r.p.m., determine the maximum velocity and acceleration of
the follower during the outward stroke and return stroke
12.Briefly explain the undercutting in cam mechanisms.
13. The sun planet gear of an epicyclic gear train, the annular D has 100 internal
teeth, the sun gear A has 50 external teeth and planet gear B has 25 external
teeth. The gear B meshes with gear D and gear A. The gear B is carried on arm E,
which rotates about the centre of annular gear D. If the gear D is fixed and arm
rotates at 20 rpm, then find the speeds of gear A and B.
14.The arm of an epicyclic gear train rotates at 100 rpm in the anticlock wise
direction. The arm carries two wheels A and B having 36 and 45 teeth
respectively. The wheel A is fixed and the arm rotates about the centre of wheel
A. Find the speed of wheel B. What will be the speed of B, if the wheel A instead
of being fixed, makes 200 rpm (clockwise).
15. An open belt drive is used to connect two parallel shafts 4 m apart. The diameter
of the bigger pulley is 1.5 m and that of the smaller pulley is 0.5 m. The mass of
the belt is 1 kg/m length. The maximum tension is not to exceed 1500 N. The
coefficient of friction is 0.25. The bigger pulley which is the driver runs at 250
rpm. Due to the slip, the speed of the driven is 725 rpm. Calculate the power
transmitted and power lost in friction
16.An open belt running over two pulley of 1.5 m and 1.0 m diameters connects two
parallel shafts 4.8 m apart. The initial ten in the belt is 3000 N. The smaller pulley
is rotating at 600 rpm. The mass of belt is 0.6703 kg/m length. The coefficient of
friction between the belt and pulleys is 0.3. Find (1) the exact length of the belt
required (2) the power transmitted taking c.f tension into account
17. A vertical shaft 140 mm in diameter rotating at 120 rpm rests on a flat end
footstep bearing. The shaft carries a vertical load of 30 KN. The coeffiecient of
friction is 0.06. Estimate the power lost in friction assuming (1) Uniform Pressure
and (2) Uniform wear
18.Two shaft whose centers are 1m apart are connected by a V belt drive. The
driving pulley is supplied with 100 KW and has an effective diameter of 300 mm.
It runs at 375 rpm. The angle of groove on the pulley is 400 The permissible

tension in 400 mm2 cross sectional area of the belt is 2.1 MPa. The density of the
belt is 1100 kg/ mm3 coefficient of friction is 0.28. Estimate number of belts
19.Single plate clutch, effective on both sides is required to transmit 25KW at 3000
rpm. Determine the outer and inner radius of frictional surface if the coefficient
of friction is 0.2555. The ratio of radius is 1.25 and the maximum pressure is not
to exceed of 0.1 N/mm2. Also determine the axial thrust to be provided by
springs. Assume uniform wear.
20. The mean diameter of the screw jack having pitch of 10 mm is 50 mm. A load
of 20 KN is lifted through a distance of 170 mm. Find the work done in lifting the
load and efficiency of the screw jack when (i) the load rotates with the screw, and
(ii) the load rests on the loose head which does not rotate with screw. The
external and internal diameter of the bearing surface of the loose head is 60 mm
and 10mm respectively. The coefficient of friction for the screw as well as the
bearing surface .


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