Sunday 25 November 2012

Digital Signal Processing EC2302 Important Questions For Anna University, Chennai Nov/Dec 2012 Examinations

Anna University, Chennai Nov/Dec 2012 Examinations

Digital Signal Processing EC2302
Unit I-V
1.     Compute the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n) =  using radix-2 DIT algorithm.
2.     Determine the IDFT of X(K) =
3.     Perform the linear convolution of finite duration sequences h(n)   and x (n) =    by overlap – add method
4.     Compute an IDFT of the following sequence X(K) =  using DIF algorithm
5.     Obtain the (a) Direct forms i(a) cascade ii(a) parallel form realizations for the following  y (n) = 3/4(n-1) – 1/8 y(n-2) + x(n) +1/3 x(n-1)
6.     Design a linear phase lowpass FIR filter with cutoff frequency of π/2 rad/sec using frequency sampling techniques.(Take N=17)
7.      For the given specifications design a digital  high-pass filter using BLT
a.     i)  = 3db   ii) = 15 db  iii) =1500 rad/sec  iv)  =500 rad/sec
8.     Design a chebyshev low pass filter with the specifications  = 1db ripple in the pass band  0≤ ω ≤ 0.2π ,   = 15 db ripple in the stop band 0.3π ≤ ω ≤ π  using Bilinear transformation
9.     For the given specifications design a digital  high-pass filter using BLT
i)  = 3db
                        ii) = 15 db
                        iii) =1500 rad/sec
                         iv)  =500 rad/sec
10.Design a chebyshev low pass filter   with the specifications
  = 1 db ripple in the pass band  0≤ ω ≤ 0.2π
 = 15 db   ripple in the stop band 0.3 π ≤ ω  ≤ π Using Bilinear Transformation
11. An a FIR filter is given by the difference equation
1.     y(n) = 2 x(n) +  x(n-1) +    x(n-2)  +   x(n-3)    . Determine its lattice form
12.Design a digital filter with        
Determine H( for N= 7and design FIR low pass filter  using Hanning window
13. Using Hamming window with N= 7. Draw the frequency responseFor the desired response
( =
Determine H( for N= 7and design FIR low pass filter  using Hanning window
14. Find the effect of   coefficient quantization on pole locations of the given second order IIR system, when it is realized in direct form I and in Cascade form . Assume a word length of 4 bits through truncation.
2.     H (z) =
         15Consider the transfer function H(Z) = (Z) . (Z) Where
                                                            ii.      (Z) = (Z) =
                                                          iii.      Find the output round off noise power. Assume  = 0.5 and
16. Find the steady state variance of the noise in the output due to quantization of input for the first order filter y(n) = ay(n-1) + x(n)
17. Write short notes on application of multirate signal processing
18. Explain in detail the types of Filter Banks
            19. Explain in detail any one application of mutlirate signal processing
            20. Describe the features of QMF
21. What do you mean by up sampling and obtain the spectrum of the up sampled signal

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