Thursday 29 November 2012

AE2351 Finite Element Method Anna University question bank, previous year question paper and important 2marks and 16 marks questions



1.             Define Precision of a Measuring instrument.
2.            Define Accuracy.
3.             Define Sensitivity.
4.             Define Gauge factor.
5.             State the difference between Accuracy and Precision.
6.             Define Range.


1.               Explain in detail the Principles of Measurements.
2.               Write short notes on:
(a)                 Accuracy                                                                                       (4)
(b)                 Sensitivity                                                                                      (4)
(c)                 Range                                                                                             (4)



1.             Define a strain gauge.
2.             List the various types of strain gauges.
3.             What are the basic characteristics of a strain gauge?
4.             What are the various factors to be considered before selecting a gauge?
5.             Define strain sensitivity of a gauge.
6.             List the various limitations of a mechanical strain gauge.
7.             Write the advantages of Foil type strain gauge over Wire type strain gauge?
8.             What is a Strain rosette?
9.             What are the advantages of an acoustical gauge?
10.          What are the limitations of an optical gauge?


1.               Write a short account of the various types of strain gauges. Give their special advantages and limitations.
2.               What are the basic characteristics of a strain gauge? Which factors should be considered
3.               What are the various types of Mechanical strain gauges? Explain Huggenberger tensometer in detail.
4.               What are the various types of optical strain gauges? Explain the Tuckerman gauge in detail.
5.               Explain the construction and working of Acoustical strain gauge.
6.               What are the different types of electrical strain gauges? Describe a capacitance strain gauge and give its uses and limitations.



1.             Name the different types of electrical strain gauges.
2.             Name the different types of electrical resistance strain gauges.
3.             Differentiate between bonded and unbounded gauges.
4.             What is a weldable gauge? What are its advantages?
5.             Name the materials used for material gauges.
6.             What is meant by Temperature compensation?
7.             Why Wheatstone bridge circuits are preferred over potentiometer circuits in static strain measurements?
8.             What are the requirements of strain gauge materials?
9.             What are the limitations of potentiometer circuit?
10.          Define a strain rosette.


1.               Write short notes on the following :
(i)                               Electromagnetic strain gauge                            (6)
(ii)                             Weldable strain gauge                                        (6)
2.             What is the necessity of temperature compensation? How this can be achieved?
3.             What do you understand by a strain rosette? What are the different types of strain rosette configurations currently in use? Discuss their uses and limitations.
4.             Discuss the various methods of calibrating a strain gauge.
5.             What are the essential requirements of a balancing technique? Discuss the different ways in which you can balance a bridge.
6.             Discuss the associated instrumentation for measuring
(a)                 Strain strains
(b)                 Dynamic strains



1.             What is the photoelastic effect?
2.             Differentiate between ordinary and monochromatic light.
3.             Define Stress optic law.
4.             Define isoclinics and isochromatics.
5.             What do you mean by compensation?
6.             What is a stress trajectory?
7.             Define sensitivity index and figure of merit of a photoelastic material.
8.             What is the necessity of calibration of a photoelastic material?
9.             Why Tardy method of compensation is preferred over all other methods?
10.          Who discovered the photoelastic effect and when?


1.       Sketch a circular polariscope. Explain the effects of a stressed model and the fringes obtained in it
2.       Sketch a plain polariscope. Explain the effects of a stressed model and the fringes obtained in it.
3.       Describe in detail how fringe sharpening is obtained using partial mirrors.
4.       Explain any two compensation techniques used in photo elasticity.
  1. What are the important properties of an ideal photoelastic material? Discuss the important photoelastic materials.
  1.  Explain the Tardy’s compensation method in detail. Why this method is preferred over other methods?



1.             List down various NDT Techniques used to detect the damages in the materials.
2.             State the importance of NDT methods in Aviation Industry.
3.             What are the advantages of Ultrasonic method over X-ray method?
4.             What are the advantages in magnetic particle inspection method?
5.             What is the necessity of the refrigeration technique?
6.             What is the effect of dye-etchant on strain-sensitivity of the coating?
7.             What is a grating?
8.             Differentiate between a model and master grating.
9.             Define Holography.
10.          What is Thermograph?


1.       State the uses and advantages of Non-Destructive Testing procedures. Explain in detail any one of the NDT procedure for evaluating a given specimen.
2.       Write short notes on the following:
a.        Eddy Current Testing
b.       Radiography
  1. Explain the process of Magnetic particle inspection with a neat sketch.
4.       With a suitable sketch explain the process of Fluorescent penetrant technique.
5.       Explain the brittle coating method in brief. What are the advantages and limitations of this method?
6.       Briefly explain the following which are used in the experimental analysis:
a.        Fibre – optic sensors
b.       Thermography
c.        C – Scan

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| AE2351 Finite Element Method Anna University question bank, previous year question paper and important 2marks and 16 marks questions |
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